Should you change your writing?

Image by khamkhor from Pixabay

Recently, a friend was talking about a piece not being accepted, and what kinds of writing a publisher will take. She made the argument that writing gets accepted when the writer ticks all the boxes of what the publisher wants – the style of writing they like and publish, the tone and types of characters, the formatting.

I’m all in favor of matching the formatting and other things that the contest or publisher or magazine or whatever wants – after all, that makes it easier. It’s up to writers to follow the general rules if they want to be in that particular magazine (etc).

But content? I’m not so sure.

Sure, there’s a general idea: if they only publish fairy tales, stop sending your noir horror show. But beyond that, what is a writer’s responsibility to change themselves for the sake of being published?

I’d argue: none.

Being yourself is a difficult thing, especially in the world of the arts. In the times of widespread monarchy, artists and writers could only write what the rulers wanted to see – and would be rewarded for nothing else (if not punished for it).

In this world, instead, I think we can start to be truly ourselves, and hope that those in power, instead, change their own views.

If you are writing works that include names no one can pronounce, keep doing it.

If you are writing about cultures and gender and orientation that are controversial, keep going.

If you are writing about difficult and controversial subjects, go for it.

If you are writing things that are weird, and complex, even convoluted, and out of the mainstream, please keep sharing that with the world.

This goes for writing, and arts, and teaching, and building, and so many other areas.

Keep being yourself: what you know, what you care. Be authentic. Let people read it, even if they reject it. Little by little, let them change. Let them see how wonderful you already are.

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