Book: Cellombies

The picture book Cellombies: Have you seen one? is a lesson for children and adults in cell phone use, and its addictive (and potentially dangerous) properties. A quick read and a clever bit of modern satire.

Friend Friday 150: koolio, my partner's venture, is now on instagram:

Book: Star Maps for Beginners

I'm currently reading Star Maps for Beginners by Levitt and Marshall. In this day of apps and digital tools, it might seem backward to use a paper book to look up at the night sky. But this book is a classic, and includes things you might never consider: use a red light filter to look... Continue Reading →

Music visualization

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay We all love different kinds of music. But there are some songs that are (mostly) universally liked - why? One expert suggests that it comes down to a small number of factors: the unexpected, connecting with feelings, personality, and even local culture. We can also connect to music visually -... Continue Reading →

Friend Friday 140: Zee Learn

Bala, an actor/movie maker, creator, and great storyteller, is now participating in Zee Learn, which trains students in animation, 3D modeling, gaming, and more.

Time is concurrent

Pixabay What happens in the future? Things keep going on, even if humans are gone, far into the future, as shown in this timeline of the future. Of course, that depends on things continuing to be what they are, and no future is fully predictable, working off of "future tables." In fact, we are rather... Continue Reading →

Green tip: Say No to Nano (plastics)

Green tip: Say No to Nano (plastics) Drinking water is essential for life, but the container makes all the difference. Plastic bottles were recently found to contain even more nanoplastics - tiny plastic particles smaller than dust. Our bodies can get rid of some of these but plastic bottles have 100x more than previously believed,... Continue Reading →

Friend Friday 139: Liz

My longtime friend Elizabeth Barrett has the amazing job of being a space scientist! And she is great at it. Check out her talk about the Insight Mars mission she headed: (start at 29:21)

Nature magazine Mental Health

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay Many magazines previously known for scientific publications in biology, physics, chemistry, mostly, have begun to cover mental health and wellness: - Nature Mental Wellbeing is a guide to mental health in academic fields for students, postdocs, faculty, and more. - Nature Mental Health is a journal of scientific... Continue Reading →

A taste

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay Taste is a useful way to explore your senses with mindfulness. Taste involves smell, sound, and various aspects of touch such as texture, temperature, pressure. Even sight is involved (if your mouth has ever watered looking at some delicious food, like the ice cream here - or even just imagining... Continue Reading →

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