Saturday Story: Down to Earth

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

In light of recent solar flares and storms this year.

Down to Earth

Every so often, a large solar flare, a coronal mass ejection, sends a spark to earth. The northern skies light up green and blue. For a while, communications are shut down so that everyone can look up at the sky at night. And on those sparks are carried small bits of the mother Sun herself. Surreptitiously, these sparks take a human form. You’d know them if I pointed them out, but you might not have guessed it. These sparks became Ra or Surya or Helios or Huitzilopochtli, and also great human beings. Yes, they are the ones who spread light and hope. They take care of this child planet. They care for the creatures that live on Earth. They blaze and speak in fiery impassioned voices, igniting change, sparking new ideas and new possibilities. Until they become too strong, that is. Until they leave drought in their wake, and dried-up souls. Until the people are crying in heat and sorrow, and they are forced to return, leaving only tears of rain.

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